Biasanya hal ini bermula di antara 4 - 6 minggu pertama dan terus membesar di sepanjang trimester pertama kehamilan.
Kadangkala payu dara anda mungkin terus berkembang di sepanjang tempoh kehamilan. Saiz payu dara boleh menjadi dua kali ganda. Bila kulitnya mula regang, anda mungkin rasa gatal-gatal yang kadang-kadang meninggalkan tanda regang.
Jika anda hamil buat pertama kali, anda akan terasa sangat gatal dan dapat lihat dengan jelas kedua puting payu dara menjadi semakin gelap dan besar.
Ketika kehamilan tiga bulan pertama, payu dara mula menghasilkan susu yang dipanggil kolostrum. Di bulan-bulan terakhir pula, payu dara anda akan mengalirkan sedikit cecair kental kekuningan.
(Hormonal changes in your pregnancy can cause improved blood flow and some changes in your breast tissues. This causes swelling in your breasts, soaring, tingling and abnormally sensitive to touch. Breast changes during pregnancy is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. Usually it begins around 4-6 weeks and continues throughout the first pregnancy trimester.Breast changes during pregnancy:Your breasts start increasing in its size at about 8 weeks of your pregnancy and sometimes this continues to develop throughout your pregnancy. Most commonly, your cup size increases to one or two. As the skin start stretching, you will feel itchiness and sometimes there is a possibility to develop stretch marks. If you are first time pregnant, then you may feel itchiness at your breasts and you may notice that your nipple become darker and bigger. After passing few months, the pigmented circles around the nipples will become bigger and darker. During your 3rd month pregnancy, the breast milk called colostrum start producing which your baby will receive once after the birth. In last months of your pregnancy, your breasts will leak a little amount of thick yellowish liquid.)
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